

(Gerard Way/Sub Atomic Tourist Music)

If we don't stop leaving
If we don't stop leaving accidents
We'll never get that far
Who you are


If we all stop needing
If we all stop needing oxygen
We'll never get too fall, so far


These are the days like crazy rain
Like a flood will try to catch you and just
  fade away
These are the days that we wait to say
You could go away


If we all stop bleeding
If we all stop bleeding over them
We'll never get too far
Oh you are

もしみんなが あいつらのために血を流すの辞めたら

If we all stop needing
If we all stop needing love to care about
  ourselves and who you are


These are the days like crazy rain
Like a flood will try to catch you and just
  fade away
These are the days that we wait to say
You could go away


Say she always puts a gameshow on and
Now she says she wants to be in movies
Cuz it feels just like the apartment where
  you stayed
And her favorite show means nothing to me
Cuz I think I'm sick of it now


These are the days like crazy rain
Like a flood will try to catch you and just
  fade away
These are the days that we wait to say
You could go away




Colorado Music BuzzのFrank Ieroインタビュー

取材者:Tim Wenger


 ポップパンクバンドのマイケミカルロマンスのギターリストとして知られているFrank Ieroですが、マイケミ解散後はfrnkiero andthe cellbrationを結成。8月25日にデビューアルバムをリリースして、9月20日(土)にはRiot Fest Denverにも出演したIeroにColorado Music Buzz(以下CMB)が電撃取材。

CMB: デビューアルバム「Stomachaches」はどんな風に誕生したんですか?

2012年の後半から始まったかな。10代の頃からずっと胃腸病に悩まされてきたけど、2年ぐらい前からかなり悪化してね。苦しくなるとあーこのまま死ぬわと何もかも諦めるのは簡単だけど、俺はそんな自分を子供たちに見せるのが嫌だった。どんなネガティヴな出来事でもポジティブなことに変えられるだと子供たちに見せたかった。だからしんどくなるたびに無理やりにベッドから出て何かを作ることにした。そしてそれが効いたみたいで、音楽を作っていくうちになんかクリエーターズハイみたいな感じになって、痛みや苦しさが和らいできた。曲を書いて、デモも録音し始めた。ロス在住の友人Jared Alexanderに連絡して、ニュージャージーまで来てもらってからレコーディングが本格的にスタート。俺は曲をどんどん書いて、いつの間にかすごくいい曲がたくさんできた。友人とマネージャーのMatt Gallihughから「最近何してるの?」って連絡がきて、レコーディングした曲を送ってみた。そうしたらすごく気に入ってくれて、「色んな人に曲紹介していい?」って言って、そんな中でVagrant Recordsが特に興味を持ってくれたので、バンドを結成して現在に至る。

CMB: アルバムの曲はいつもと違う自分を表してると思いますか?


CMB: メイク・ア・ウイッシュ(チャリティ、以下MaW)に参加していると聞きましたが-

昔からだね。何回かMaWから連絡がきて、病気の子供に会ったりしてたけど、その時はMaWの良さが実感できた。最近は「Wear Your Music→ウェア・ユア・ミュージック」という団体から連絡もらって、使用済みのギターの弦を束ねてブレスレットにして販売して、売り上げは自分の好きなチャリティに寄付されるんだ。リサイクルもできて、寄付もできて、本当すばらしいプロジェクトだと思う。

CMB: 今後の予定は?

現在は10月までTaking Back SundayとThe Usedとツアーして、10月23日はブルックリンにAlkaline Trioとライブ、そして11月はイギリスに行くんだ。

CMB: これから挑戦していきたいことはありますか?


CMB: マイケミやFrankのことが分からない人にどんな曲をお勧めしますか?



【gerard】【画像】hesitant alien digital booklet





取材者:Emily Zemler

2013年のマイケミ解散後、フロントマンGerard Wayは曲を書き始めた。ソロアルバムを出すつもりじゃなかった。しかし曲に勢いがついて、ソロアルバム「Hesitant Alien」が9月30日にリリース。Maroon 5やGreen Dayを手がけたDoug McKeanにプロデュースされた今回のアルバムはノイズロックとブリティッシュポップにインスパイヤされたファズロック。GerardにHAへの道のり、MCRなき曲作り、そしてこれからの目的を語って頂きました!

気づいてなかったんだ、これがアルバムになるんだなんて。純粋に音楽を作るために曲を書いたし、アルバムにも目的はなかったけど、それがよかった。最初に曲を作り始めた時もそうだった。アルバムとか考えずに、人の前で歌える曲を作りたい、ただそれだけ考えてた。そして気づいたら「音的統一性」*あるアルバムが出来上がった。(*元のインタビューに「sonically cohesive」っていうんだけど、こりゃなかなかきれいな日本語にならん。すまん。)




間違いなく「No Shows」でしたね。「No Shows」までの曲はみんなオルタナティヴやシューゲイズとブリティッシュポップのミックスで、バラバラというわけじゃなかったけど、一曲一曲の統一性がなく、ただのノイズとか、ただのポップだった。しかし「No Shows」の場合はイギー・ポップやデヴィッド・ボウイのベルリン時代を思い出して、ニューウェーヴやノーウェーヴ、アートロックなど色々取り入れてみて、今までなかったナイトクラブ感が実現出来ました。

でしょう! ブライアン・エノの初ソロアルバムを聴いて、最初はその音を追いかけた。でも「No Shows」が出来た時は初めて自分の目的ができました。

歌詞はすごく曖昧だが、その曖昧さがアルバムのメッセージ(周りの人と馴染まなくても、同じじゃなくても大丈夫)をより強調させてくれるからいいんだ。周りの人と違うのも悪くない。この世には変わり者が必要なんだ。僕にとって「No Shows」は人間関係がテーマで、ライブやクラブに行かなくても人と繋がることが出来る、それが「No Shows」のメッセージ。




(Gerard Way/Sub Atomic Tourist Music)

If we don't stop leaving
If we don't stop leaving accidents
We'll never get that far
Who you are

If we all stop needing
If we all stop needing oxygen
We'll never get too fall, so far

These are the days like crazy rain
Like a flood will try to catch you and just
  fade away
These are the days that we wait to say
You could go away

If we all stop bleeding
If we all stop bleeding over them
We'll never get too far
Oh you are

If we all stop needing
If we all stop needing love to care about
  ourselves and who you are

These are the days like crazy rain
Like a flood will try to catch you and just
  fade away
These are the days that we wait to say
You could go away

Say she always puts a gameshow on and
Now she says she wants to be in movies
Cuz it feels just like the apartment where
  you stayed
And her favorite show means nothing to me
Cuz I think I'm sick of it now

These are the days like crazy rain
Like a flood will try to catch you and just
  fade away
These are the days that we wait to say
You could go away


【gerard】【画像】hesitant alien アルバム写真

本日はhesitant alienの日本先行リリース!早速ゲットしましたよ〜








Hesitant Alien Zine Preview












【ギターの絵の周り】ジャズマスター「赤身」フェンダーさんからの誕生日プレゼント これは(不明)







dougの話(テキスト:こいつがdoug(不明)no doug, no HA←no music, no life的な?)、作業場紹介…










取材者:Emma Guido

でも大丈夫。一つの扉が閉まると、もう一つが開くっていうだろ?解散して1年が経ち、野心溢れる元マイケミメンバーのソロ活動がもう始まっている。そしてその先頭に立ったのは元リズムギターのfrank iero。8月末にfrnkiero andthe cellabrationとしてソロのデビューアルバム「stomachaches」をリリースして、そして一週間前から記念すべきファーストツアーがニュージャージー州のhowellスタート!我々のスタッフemma guidoがfrankとニューアルバムや音楽業界、そしてソロアーティストとしての進化について語る!










F: ないです。曲はそれぞれ違いますね。今回はドラムから始まって、次はベースを弾いてからボーカルを入れたけど、あの順番でレコーディングするのは初めてだった。なんでそうしたかも分からない、なんか自然にできた。自然と出てくる音楽が一番好きでね、全然関係ないことをしている時に突然メロディーが降りてきて、曲が出来上がるまで頭から離れない。そうやって作った曲が僕の中で一番好きな曲ですね。




F:どれも大切な曲だけど、「guittripping(罪悪感)」はたぶん一番苦労した曲だね。もう全然楽じゃなかった。正直でピュアな曲であるためにどういうサウンドであるべきかしっかりイメージできたのに、まったくうまくいかなかった。(曲作りは)時には苦戦で、時には簡単で、「guilttripping」の場合は苦戦が長引いたね。2週間ぐらいかかったかな?途中でちょっと距離をおいてみたわ。「もうだめだ、こりゃ」って思ったぐらい大変だった。「all i want is nothing→何も欲しくない(が一番近いかな?あーニュアンスがむずい)」も苦戦だった。曲が出来上がってんのに、何か違う。一時はアルバムから外そうかと思ったけど最後の最後にギター担当のevan(frankの義理のお兄さん)と曲を編集して、バックコーラスを加えてみたら違和感がなくなりました。













MEB: Congratulations on the new album! You start touring now with your new solo work Stomachaches. You have had many different musical projects before, aside from My Chemical Romance. Now that you are about to get back into the touring mindset, what feels different about this new project, now t - See more at: http://mindequalsblown.net/interviews/interview-frank-iero-frnkiero-andthe-cellabration#sthash.p3kc2LBx.dpuf

MEB: Congratulations on the new album! You start touring now with your new solo work Stomachaches. You have had many different musical projects before, aside from My Chemical Romance. Now that you are about to get back into the touring mindset, what feels different about this new project, now that you are a solo musician?
Frank Iero: Every project feels different. There are similarities of course, but it is such a different animal every time. It always requires a different mindset and different parts of your personality. With this one, it might be the hardest one because there is a lot less to hide behind. I never set out to be a frontman or singer that gets asked questions and stuff. There was always somebody else and I could say, “You take this one!” (Laughs) Now I feel like I have to let people in a little too much and I don’t know how comfortable I feel about that just yet.
Now that you are touring again, what are you most excited about in the next month and a half?
I’m really excited about seeing these songs come to life. This is kind of the first time these songs have really been played in a band setting. When I was writing it was just me. I’m used to having about five guys in a room playing really loud and playing a song out and this was the exact opposite of anything I’ve ever been used to. It’s like working backwards.
Since the birth of your first children, you have been balancing a role as a father and a touring musician. Now that your children are starting to get older, has it been easier or harder to balance the two jobs?
It’s getting harder and they fucking hate it, too. It’s weird because they are at that age now where they can tell you to come home and ask me why I have to leave. That’s a hard question to answer, you know? At first, they got really excited because I write songs so they thought I wrote Frozen (laughs). When I told them no they were like, “Then what are you doing?! What do you do all this time downstairs if you aren’t writing Frozen?”
Your solo debut Stomachaches dropped at the end of August. After the split of MCR, which was such a big part of your life, and taking the time to get back in it, how did it feel for you to take this big step as a musician on your own?
It’s nerve-racking, but also exciting. It’s a lot of different emotions all wrapped up into one. I don’t know how to feel about it because this was never a goal I set for myself. I’ve never thought of My Chemical Romance as a springboard for my solo career. That thought never came into my head. I always wanted to be in bands and that’s why I think I’ve made this as much as a band as possible. I’m really lucky to play with people I really respect.
I really love your lyrics on the album. Every track has its own strong identity. Do you have a specific writing style or technique when it comes to making music?
I don’t. Each song is different. On this record, I started a lot of the songs by programming drums then playing bass to that, then singing along to that as well. I’ve never really done that before. I don’t know why I did that; it just kind of happened and I like when music just happens. You’re usually doing something totally unrelated, and suddenly a song pops into your head and it won’t leave until you get it out there. Those are sometimes my favorite songs I’ve ever made.
The words and sounds were balanced really well, also. There were really great elements from all different ends of the emotional and musical spectrum. What inspired these strong emotions from you?
I feel like at the root of this record, it’s really like a folk record. They are very much based on stories of things that have happened to me or people that I know or things that I’ve seen. This is my attempt at telling those stores. It’s funny when I think about it, because a lot of these songs are from early on in my life. So I guess this record has really been written in the past. I don’t know why I channeled that. I tend to like things that are beautifully broken, though.
Which song ended up being your favorite to make?
They each have a special place in your heart, you know? I would say, however, “Guilttripping” was the hardest. I did not have fun making that one. It was just one of those things where I knew what I wanted to hear and how it had to sound in order for it to be true and pure, but it just didn’t want to work. Sometimes it’s a fight, and sometimes it’s a partnership. And that fight went on for a long time. It took maybe two weeks. I even remember having to step away for a while and thought, “This is not going to work.” There was another song I did that with as well and it was “All I Want Is Nothing”. I wrote and finished it, but it just didn’t sound right. I thought I was going to have to take it off the record. Then, at the last minute, I went back in with my brother-in-law, Evan, who plays guitar and sings, and had him do some backing vocals on it. It changed one of the transition chords and somehow fixed it.
My Chemical Romance was clearly not the only band or project you have been involved in in your career. What elements from your previous work did you bring to the table when creating Stomachaches?
I don’t know if I can say specifically. I think each time you do a project or have an experience it warms its way into the threads of your DNA. Do I know specifically what I’ve learned from each project? No, but each experience, I’m sure, had a place in who I am today. Whether it was songwriting or the styles that I’ve tried to experiment with on the record, I don’t think I could have done this record without doing everything I did in the past.
Now that you are front and center on that stage, has your view or opinion of performing changed in any way?
Each one is different. I’m looking forward to this show because it’s the first one and the first time we all play together. I’ve played with Rob before; he played guitar in a band called Leathermouth. I’ve wanted to be in a band with my brother-in-law, Evan, for years now and this is a great opportunity to do that. Also, I just met Matt this year, but we hit it off like we’ve known each other for a long time. I think it’s been a really great experience so far. I’m looking forward to getting up there.
Being in the music industry for so long, you have seen a lot of the changes and styles that have come and gone in the past years. Now with social media at the height of popularity, how do you think it has affected the music scene and the fans (youth) of it?
I think it’s good and bad. Nowadays, they tell you that you have to update this and you have to have a Facebook and Twitter and Instagram, etc.! I don’t understand how you can do all of it. It doesn’t make sense for you to have time to do all that and still create music and be a human being. I don’t want to be playing with my children with one eye and one hand while the others tweet and text people I don’t know about…Starbucks, you know? It’s not something that appeals to me. Everyone once in a while if you have some free time, you can do that kind of thing. I think that works and it’s fine, but I personally can’t find the time to do it. It’s nice to have these instant, mini-interactions; it’s nice, but sometimes it’s not, depending on the people you are interacting with. You try not to let one bad apple ruin it for everything, but sometimes it’s hard. People think they can say whatever the fuck they want to whoever. You have these young people who are just trying to get a reaction and it’s a “notice me” kind of thing, like “I’ll just say the most messed up thing I can think of so someone will just recognize that I’m here.” And that’s really sad if you really think about it. To do something so negative just so that someone realizes that you are alive. I think you need to look into yourself and find a purpose as opposed to that.
I completely agree. Also, how has your opinion of the music industry changed throughout the years as well?
There is music, and then there is the music business or industry, and one tends to have anything to do with the other. They are so completely different. I think music has its highs and lows and the music industry… it’s a business, you know? It doesn’t always have the arts’ best interest, unfortunately. I think people are very scared and you can see that in the way things are being run.
Now that you are doing your solo work, how has the reaction been from My Chemical Romance fans and new fans? Did you expect it at all?
I don’t know if I expected anything, because when I was making the record I didn’t think I was going to make a record. I just thought I was writing songs for myself. Then things got released and I played it for some people and they wanted to release it. I agreed to that somewhat reluctantly, but somewhat at the same time [there was] this morbid curiosity of like, “I guess that’s kind of cool that I didn’t mean to do this but it’s happening.” Maybe it was meant to be, somehow. It’s a nervous feeling to put something so naked out there and then have people criticize it or interpret it as if it were meant for mass consumption. When anybody says that they get the album or really like it, it feels incredible.
Before we end this interview, is there anything you would like to say to your fans and supporters?
Basically, thank you for letting me do what I do. I can’t be anybody but myself and you guys have allowed me to do that. That’s one of the best gifts anybody could give you.
- See more at: http://mindequalsblown.net/interviews/interview-frank-iero-frnkiero-andthe-cellabration#sthash.p3kc2LBx.dpuf
MEB: Congratulations on the new album! You start touring now with your new solo work Stomachaches. You have had many different musical projects before, aside from My Chemical Romance. Now that you are about to get back into the touring mindset, what feels different about this new project, now that you are a solo musician?
Frank Iero: Every project feels different. There are similarities of course, but it is such a different animal every time. It always requires a different mindset and different parts of your personality. With this one, it might be the hardest one because there is a lot less to hide behind. I never set out to be a frontman or singer that gets asked questions and stuff. There was always somebody else and I could say, “You take this one!” (Laughs) Now I feel like I have to let people in a little too much and I don’t know how comfortable I feel about that just yet.
Now that you are touring again, what are you most excited about in the next month and a half?
I’m really excited about seeing these songs come to life. This is kind of the first time these songs have really been played in a band setting. When I was writing it was just me. I’m used to having about five guys in a room playing really loud and playing a song out and this was the exact opposite of anything I’ve ever been used to. It’s like working backwards.
Since the birth of your first children, you have been balancing a role as a father and a touring musician. Now that your children are starting to get older, has it been easier or harder to balance the two jobs?
It’s getting harder and they fucking hate it, too. It’s weird because they are at that age now where they can tell you to come home and ask me why I have to leave. That’s a hard question to answer, you know? At first, they got really excited because I write songs so they thought I wrote Frozen (laughs). When I told them no they were like, “Then what are you doing?! What do you do all this time downstairs if you aren’t writing Frozen?”
Your solo debut Stomachaches dropped at the end of August. After the split of MCR, which was such a big part of your life, and taking the time to get back in it, how did it feel for you to take this big step as a musician on your own?
It’s nerve-racking, but also exciting. It’s a lot of different emotions all wrapped up into one. I don’t know how to feel about it because this was never a goal I set for myself. I’ve never thought of My Chemical Romance as a springboard for my solo career. That thought never came into my head. I always wanted to be in bands and that’s why I think I’ve made this as much as a band as possible. I’m really lucky to play with people I really respect.
I really love your lyrics on the album. Every track has its own strong identity. Do you have a specific writing style or technique when it comes to making music?
I don’t. Each song is different. On this record, I started a lot of the songs by programming drums then playing bass to that, then singing along to that as well. I’ve never really done that before. I don’t know why I did that; it just kind of happened and I like when music just happens. You’re usually doing something totally unrelated, and suddenly a song pops into your head and it won’t leave until you get it out there. Those are sometimes my favorite songs I’ve ever made.
The words and sounds were balanced really well, also. There were really great elements from all different ends of the emotional and musical spectrum. What inspired these strong emotions from you?
I feel like at the root of this record, it’s really like a folk record. They are very much based on stories of things that have happened to me or people that I know or things that I’ve seen. This is my attempt at telling those stores. It’s funny when I think about it, because a lot of these songs are from early on in my life. So I guess this record has really been written in the past. I don’t know why I channeled that. I tend to like things that are beautifully broken, though.
Which song ended up being your favorite to make?
They each have a special place in your heart, you know? I would say, however, “Guilttripping” was the hardest. I did not have fun making that one. It was just one of those things where I knew what I wanted to hear and how it had to sound in order for it to be true and pure, but it just didn’t want to work. Sometimes it’s a fight, and sometimes it’s a partnership. And that fight went on for a long time. It took maybe two weeks. I even remember having to step away for a while and thought, “This is not going to work.” There was another song I did that with as well and it was “All I Want Is Nothing”. I wrote and finished it, but it just didn’t sound right. I thought I was going to have to take it off the record. Then, at the last minute, I went back in with my brother-in-law, Evan, who plays guitar and sings, and had him do some backing vocals on it. It changed one of the transition chords and somehow fixed it.
My Chemical Romance was clearly not the only band or project you have been involved in in your career. What elements from your previous work did you bring to the table when creating Stomachaches?
I don’t know if I can say specifically. I think each time you do a project or have an experience it warms its way into the threads of your DNA. Do I know specifically what I’ve learned from each project? No, but each experience, I’m sure, had a place in who I am today. Whether it was songwriting or the styles that I’ve tried to experiment with on the record, I don’t think I could have done this record without doing everything I did in the past.
Now that you are front and center on that stage, has your view or opinion of performing changed in any way?
Each one is different. I’m looking forward to this show because it’s the first one and the first time we all play together. I’ve played with Rob before; he played guitar in a band called Leathermouth. I’ve wanted to be in a band with my brother-in-law, Evan, for years now and this is a great opportunity to do that. Also, I just met Matt this year, but we hit it off like we’ve known each other for a long time. I think it’s been a really great experience so far. I’m looking forward to getting up there.
Being in the music industry for so long, you have seen a lot of the changes and styles that have come and gone in the past years. Now with social media at the height of popularity, how do you think it has affected the music scene and the fans (youth) of it?
I think it’s good and bad. Nowadays, they tell you that you have to update this and you have to have a Facebook and Twitter and Instagram, etc.! I don’t understand how you can do all of it. It doesn’t make sense for you to have time to do all that and still create music and be a human being. I don’t want to be playing with my children with one eye and one hand while the others tweet and text people I don’t know about…Starbucks, you know? It’s not something that appeals to me. Everyone once in a while if you have some free time, you can do that kind of thing. I think that works and it’s fine, but I personally can’t find the time to do it. It’s nice to have these instant, mini-interactions; it’s nice, but sometimes it’s not, depending on the people you are interacting with. You try not to let one bad apple ruin it for everything, but sometimes it’s hard. People think they can say whatever the fuck they want to whoever. You have these young people who are just trying to get a reaction and it’s a “notice me” kind of thing, like “I’ll just say the most messed up thing I can think of so someone will just recognize that I’m here.” And that’s really sad if you really think about it. To do something so negative just so that someone realizes that you are alive. I think you need to look into yourself and find a purpose as opposed to that.
I completely agree. Also, how has your opinion of the music industry changed throughout the years as well?
There is music, and then there is the music business or industry, and one tends to have anything to do with the other. They are so completely different. I think music has its highs and lows and the music industry… it’s a business, you know? It doesn’t always have the arts’ best interest, unfortunately. I think people are very scared and you can see that in the way things are being run.
Now that you are doing your solo work, how has the reaction been from My Chemical Romance fans and new fans? Did you expect it at all?
I don’t know if I expected anything, because when I was making the record I didn’t think I was going to make a record. I just thought I was writing songs for myself. Then things got released and I played it for some people and they wanted to release it. I agreed to that somewhat reluctantly, but somewhat at the same time [there was] this morbid curiosity of like, “I guess that’s kind of cool that I didn’t mean to do this but it’s happening.” Maybe it was meant to be, somehow. It’s a nervous feeling to put something so naked out there and then have people criticize it or interpret it as if it were meant for mass consumption. When anybody says that they get the album or really like it, it feels incredible.
Before we end this interview, is there anything you would like to say to your fans and supporters?
Basically, thank you for letting me do what I do. I can’t be anybody but myself and you guys have allowed me to do that. That’s one of the best gifts anybody could give you.
- See more at: http://mindequalsblown.net/interviews/interview-frank-iero-frnkiero-andthe-cellabration#sthash.p3kc2LBx.dpuf

MEB: Congratulations on the new album! You start touring now with your new solo work Stomachaches. You have had many different musical projects before, aside from My Chemical Romance. Now that you are about to get back into the touring mindset, what feels different about this new project, now that you are a solo musician?
Frank Iero: Every project feels different. There are similarities of course, but it is such a different animal every time. It always requires a different mindset and different parts of your personality. With this one, it might be the hardest one because there is a lot less to hide behind. I never set out to be a frontman or singer that gets asked questions and stuff. There was always somebody else and I could say, “You take this one!” (Laughs) Now I feel like I have to let people in a little too much and I don’t know how comfortable I feel about that just yet.
Now that you are touring again, what are you most excited about in the next month and a half?
I’m really excited about seeing these songs come to life. This is kind of the first time these songs have really been played in a band setting. When I was writing it was just me. I’m used to having about five guys in a room playing really loud and playing a song out and this was the exact opposite of anything I’ve ever been used to. It’s like working backwards.
Since the birth of your first children, you have been balancing a role as a father and a touring musician. Now that your children are starting to get older, has it been easier or harder to balance the two jobs?
It’s getting harder and they fucking hate it, too. It’s weird because they are at that age now where they can tell you to come home and ask me why I have to leave. That’s a hard question to answer, you know? At first, they got really excited because I write songs so they thought I wrote Frozen (laughs). When I told them no they were like, “Then what are you doing?! What do you do all this time downstairs if you aren’t writing Frozen?”
Your solo debut Stomachaches dropped at the end of August. After the split of MCR, which was such a big part of your life, and taking the time to get back in it, how did it feel for you to take this big step as a musician on your own?
It’s nerve-racking, but also exciting. It’s a lot of different emotions all wrapped up into one. I don’t know how to feel about it because this was never a goal I set for myself. I’ve never thought of My Chemical Romance as a springboard for my solo career. That thought never came into my head. I always wanted to be in bands and that’s why I think I’ve made this as much as a band as possible. I’m really lucky to play with people I really respect.
I really love your lyrics on the album. Every track has its own strong identity. Do you have a specific writing style or technique when it comes to making music?
I don’t. Each song is different. On this record, I started a lot of the songs by programming drums then playing bass to that, then singing along to that as well. I’ve never really done that before. I don’t know why I did that; it just kind of happened and I like when music just happens. You’re usually doing something totally unrelated, and suddenly a song pops into your head and it won’t leave until you get it out there. Those are sometimes my favorite songs I’ve ever made.
The words and sounds were balanced really well, also. There were really great elements from all different ends of the emotional and musical spectrum. What inspired these strong emotions from you?
I feel like at the root of this record, it’s really like a folk record. They are very much based on stories of things that have happened to me or people that I know or things that I’ve seen. This is my attempt at telling those stores. It’s funny when I think about it, because a lot of these songs are from early on in my life. So I guess this record has really been written in the past. I don’t know why I channeled that. I tend to like things that are beautifully broken, though.
Which song ended up being your favorite to make?
They each have a special place in your heart, you know? I would say, however, “Guilttripping” was the hardest. I did not have fun making that one. It was just one of those things where I knew what I wanted to hear and how it had to sound in order for it to be true and pure, but it just didn’t want to work. Sometimes it’s a fight, and sometimes it’s a partnership. And that fight went on for a long time. It took maybe two weeks. I even remember having to step away for a while and thought, “This is not going to work.” There was another song I did that with as well and it was “All I Want Is Nothing”. I wrote and finished it, but it just didn’t sound right. I thought I was going to have to take it off the record. Then, at the last minute, I went back in with my brother-in-law, Evan, who plays guitar and sings, and had him do some backing vocals on it. It changed one of the transition chords and somehow fixed it.
My Chemical Romance was clearly not the only band or project you have been involved in in your career. What elements from your previous work did you bring to the table when creating Stomachaches?
I don’t know if I can say specifically. I think each time you do a project or have an experience it warms its way into the threads of your DNA. Do I know specifically what I’ve learned from each project? No, but each experience, I’m sure, had a place in who I am today. Whether it was songwriting or the styles that I’ve tried to experiment with on the record, I don’t think I could have done this record without doing everything I did in the past.
Now that you are front and center on that stage, has your view or opinion of performing changed in any way?
Each one is different. I’m looking forward to this show because it’s the first one and the first time we all play together. I’ve played with Rob before; he played guitar in a band called Leathermouth. I’ve wanted to be in a band with my brother-in-law, Evan, for years now and this is a great opportunity to do that. Also, I just met Matt this year, but we hit it off like we’ve known each other for a long time. I think it’s been a really great experience so far. I’m looking forward to getting up there.
Being in the music industry for so long, you have seen a lot of the changes and styles that have come and gone in the past years. Now with social media at the height of popularity, how do you think it has affected the music scene and the fans (youth) of it?
I think it’s good and bad. Nowadays, they tell you that you have to update this and you have to have a Facebook and Twitter and Instagram, etc.! I don’t understand how you can do all of it. It doesn’t make sense for you to have time to do all that and still create music and be a human being. I don’t want to be playing with my children with one eye and one hand while the others tweet and text people I don’t know about…Starbucks, you know? It’s not something that appeals to me. Everyone once in a while if you have some free time, you can do that kind of thing. I think that works and it’s fine, but I personally can’t find the time to do it. It’s nice to have these instant, mini-interactions; it’s nice, but sometimes it’s not, depending on the people you are interacting with. You try not to let one bad apple ruin it for everything, but sometimes it’s hard. People think they can say whatever the fuck they want to whoever. You have these young people who are just trying to get a reaction and it’s a “notice me” kind of thing, like “I’ll just say the most messed up thing I can think of so someone will just recognize that I’m here.” And that’s really sad if you really think about it. To do something so negative just so that someone realizes that you are alive. I think you need to look into yourself and find a purpose as opposed to that.
I completely agree. Also, how has your opinion of the music industry changed throughout the years as well?
There is music, and then there is the music business or industry, and one tends to have anything to do with the other. They are so completely different. I think music has its highs and lows and the music industry… it’s a business, you know? It doesn’t always have the arts’ best interest, unfortunately. I think people are very scared and you can see that in the way things are being run.
Now that you are doing your solo work, how has the reaction been from My Chemical Romance fans and new fans? Did you expect it at all?
I don’t know if I expected anything, because when I was making the record I didn’t think I was going to make a record. I just thought I was writing songs for myself. Then things got released and I played it for some people and they wanted to release it. I agreed to that somewhat reluctantly, but somewhat at the same time [there was] this morbid curiosity of like, “I guess that’s kind of cool that I didn’t mean to do this but it’s happening.” Maybe it was meant to be, somehow. It’s a nervous feeling to put something so naked out there and then have people criticize it or interpret it as if it were meant for mass consumption. When anybody says that they get the album or really like it, it feels incredible.
Before we end this interview, is there anything you would like to say to your fans and supporters?
Basically, thank you for letting me do what I do. I can’t be anybody but myself and you guys have allowed me to do that. That’s one of the best gifts anybody could give you.
- See more at: http://mindequalsblown.net/interviews/interview-frank-iero-frnkiero-andthe-cellabration#sthash.p3kc2LBx.dpuf

MEB: Congratulations on the new album! You start touring now with your new solo work Stomachaches. You have had many different musical projects before, aside from My Chemical Romance. Now that you are about to get back into the touring mindset, what feels different about this new project, now that you are a solo musician?
Frank Iero: Every project feels different. There are similarities of course, but it is such a different animal every time. It always requires a different mindset and different parts of your personality. With this one, it might be the hardest one because there is a lot less to hide behind. I never set out to be a frontman or singer that gets asked questions and stuff. There was always somebody else and I could say, “You take this one!” (Laughs) Now I feel like I have to let people in a little too much and I don’t know how comfortable I feel about that just yet.
- See more at: http://mindequalsblown.net/interviews/interview-frank-iero-frnkiero-andthe-cellabration#sthash.p3kc2LBx.dpuf
MEB: Congratulations on the new album! You start touring now with your new solo work Stomachaches. You have had many different musical projects before, aside from My Chemical Romance. Now that you are about to get back into the touring mindset, what feels different about this new project, now that you are a solo musician?
Frank Iero: Every project feels different. There are similarities of course, but it is such a different animal every time. It always requires a different mindset and different parts of your personality. With this one, it might be the hardest one because there is a lot less to hide behind. I never set out to be a frontman or singer that gets asked questions and stuff. There was always somebody else and I could say, “You take this one!” (Laughs) Now I feel like I have to let people in a little too much and I don’t know how comfortable I feel about that just yet.
- See more at: http://mindequalsblown.net/interviews/interview-frank-iero-frnkiero-andthe-cellabration#sthash.p3kc2LBx.dpuf


【gerard】【レビュー】kerrang! HAレビュー

元マイケミのフロントマンgerard wayのすばらしきソロデビュー

記者:ian winnwood


2005年、オーストラリア。green dayとツアー中のgerard wayがbillie joe armstrong(green dayボーカル)にアドバイスを求めた。10何万人の前でステージに立つことについて相談してきたgerardが小さなパンクシーンからビッグになって、なんだか異変を感じ始めた。そう言われたbillie joeがこう言った、「落ち着いてよ。この世にはロックスターが必要なんだ」と。

gerardはロックスターだった。彼の思いと歌詞がファンの疎外感を癒してきた。しかも彼はロックスターだけでなく、アーティストでもあった。そしてMCRがなき今、gerardが又しても新しい自分を見せてくれます。今回はdavid bowieちっくなルックスで、新しいピンク色の仲間も連れてきた。アルバムの第1曲から分かるんだ。パンクよりブリティッシュポップ、black flagよりblurからインスパイアされた今回のアルバムはデンジャーディーズとまったく違うサウンドだってこと。変化し続けるアーティストとして知られてるgerardにとって、このスタイルシフトは決して気まぐれなことではなかった。ずっと昔から違うスタイルに挑戦してきたから、変化をつけるのが当たり前なんだ。

高速ではね飛ぶラバーボールのように、hesitant alien(以下HA)はあっちこっちと違うサウンドを出して、すばらしく奇妙なアルバム。映画のスケールより一人芝居のように聞こえる。だからMCRファンも、そうでない人もちょっとびっくりさせるけど、絶対がっかりはさせない1枚。踊れるリズムを刻むポップテイストのaction cat(デビューシングル)みたいな曲もあるけれど、他の曲、いや、ほんとんどの曲は堂々と一風変わったサウンドばかり。右から左へとビートが揺れるno showsとは対照的に猛烈でしつこいjuarezから、控えめだありながらも反抗的なbrotherと優雅なバラードdrugstore perfumeまで、奇妙で気が引く世界観が描かれている。




Pink Station Zero


キラキラひげMC(以下MC):素晴らしいわ!Gerard Way、来てくれてありがとうね。




MC: 純人間なの?それともサイバー強化されてる?













G:ロックンロールを信じてるからだ。なんか、ずっと昔からね?なんかアンプから伝わるキネティックフォース(運動力) がすごく興奮させてくれるし、コントロール(自制心)も失う。僕にとってのロックはそれだ--コントロールを失うか、逆に自分はリードするか、誰かがリードするか・・・















MC:先ほどの曲("no shows" PV)はすごく--新しいアルバムからだけど、本当大好きな曲でね。どういう意味を持つ曲でしょう?

G:"no shows" (ライブなんか必要ない)はね、枠にハマらなくたってみんなと繋がることができる。えーっと、例えば照明も、ステージも、目の前にいるバンドも、全然必要ない。必要なのは他の人と、その人との絆。それこそすべてだ。その絆がどんなライブよりも、どんなシーンよりもずっと大事だ。自分の部屋の中でも自分のシーンが作れるから。




G:えーと、君の悪魔になろうとしてるけど、君も僕の悪魔になってくれる?僕らは幸せな人生を送るべきだけど、君が好きなちょっかいを出してもいい? 自由のままでいて、行かないで、僕らにはライブなんか必要ないよ。


